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Terms and conditions for the users of

The website is managed by SC Paco Media – Magazin de Publicitate SRL

This website is offered in the form in which it is displayed when accessed by users, without any other guarantees. SC Paco Media – Magazin de Publicitate SRL is not and cannot be held responsible for any inconsistencies, unavailability or other defects of this website or its content.

If you use the services or information provided by this website, this will be equivalent to your acceptance of the terms and conditions below.

These terms and conditions are subject to change occasionally. You will be notified whenever there are changes to the terms and conditions of the website.

1. Protection of intellectual property
2. Use of the content of the “Website”
3. Content changes
4. Privacy
5. Force majeure
6. Applicable law and jurisdiction

1. Protection of intellectual property
The content and design (as well as any other material related to the website) sent to you by email or provided to you in any other way (such as: articles, newsletters, design and any other materials hereinafter referred to as the “Website Content”), belong to the Website and its collaborators – where this is expressly specified or no other author is specified – (copyright) and are protected by intellectual property laws. You may not use, reproduce or permit anyone to use or reproduce the materials without a written permission from the Website.
Patrimonial copyrights on texts, comments, messages, etc. posted by you on the Website shall be transferred to the Website as soon as you post them. After posting them on the Website, you continue to own the copyright over them. By default, you still have the right to use those texts in any way you wish. By displaying or publishing any texts, comments, messages, etc. on our website you grant us a limited, non-exclusive license to use, modify, publicly display, copy and distribute these texts.

2. Use of the content of the Website
You may copy and print the Content of the Website only for your personal, non-commercial use. In any other case, the content of the Website may not be reproduced, modified or exploited, regardless of the commercial or non-commercial purpose of this exploitation.

3. Content changes.
SC Paco Media – Magazin de Publicitate SRL reserves the right to suspend, modify, add or delete portions of its Content at any time. We also reserve the right to restrict users’ access to some or all of its content.

4. Privacy agreement
The information you provide about yourself to the website will be used only in compliance with the terms of our privacy agreement.

5. Force majeure
The Website, its affiliates and, in general, the providers of information to the Website cannot be held responsible for any delay or error in the content provided by our publications, resulting directly or indirectly from causes beyond the control of the Website. This exemption includes, but is not limited to: errors in the operation of the technical equipment of the Website, failure of an Internet connection, failure of a telephone connection, computer viruses, unauthorized access to the systems of the Website, operating errors, strike, etc.

6. Law
The rights and obligations of the parties, imposed by this agreement, as well as all the legal effects that this agreement produces shall be interpreted and governed by the Romanian law in force. Any dispute concerning this agreement shall be brought before the Romanian courts for settlement.

SC Paco Media – Magazin de Publicitate SRL


Toate serviciile SC Paco Media – Magazin de Publicitate SRL pot fi achitate prin urmatoarele modalități de plată:
Cash in baza facturii si chitantei emise de SC Paco Media – Magazin de Publicitate SRL prin platforma (detinuta de SC Oblio Software SRL)
Prin transfer bancar in baza facturii emise de SC Paco Media – Magazin de Publicitate SRL prin platforma (detinuta de SC Oblio Software SRL)
Online, cu cardul, prin platforma Netopia Payments, in baza facturii emise de SC Paco Media – Magazin de Publicitate SRL prin platforma (detinuta de SC Oblio Software SRL)


1. In urma semnarii contractului, vor fi emise factura/facturile fiscala/e care includ posibilitatea de plata online cu cardul prin intermediul serviciilor Netopia Payments. În acest fel, putem asigura clienților noștri un serviciu sigur și eficient de plata online.
Factura include butonul de plata online “Plateste cu cardul” care va directiona catre platforma de plata Netopia Payments.
2. Dupa accesarea butonului, introduceți datele dumneavoastră personale.
Aceste informații sunt necesare pentru procesarea corectă și eficientă a comenzii plasate de către dumneavoastră. Informațiile personale nu sunt transferate către alte terțe părți, nici de către SC Paco Media – Magazin de Publicitate SRL, nici de către Netopia Payments.
3. Introduceți datele despre credit/debit card:
Pentru plățile cu carduri de credit/debit emise sub sigla Visa și MasterCard (Visa/Visa Electronic si Mastercard/Maestro), este folosit sistemul “3-D Secure”, elaborat de aceste organizații, care asigură tranzacțiilor online același nivel de securitate ca cele realizate la bancomat sau in mediul fizic, la comerciant. “3-D Secure” asigură în primul rând că nicio informație legată de cardul dumneavoastră nu este transferată sau stocată, în niciun moment, pe serverele noastre sau pe serverele Netopia Payments, aceste date fiind direct introduse in sistemele Visa și MasterCard. În plus, “3-D Secure” este un sistem de autentificare a identității posesorilor de carduri in mediu electronic. Procesul de autentificare a posesorului cardului se face pe baza codului de securitate cunoscut numai de posesor și se desfășoară numai pe serverele Visa sau MasterCard, după caz. Sistemul “3-D Secure” permite efectuarea de cumpărături online cu orice card emis sub licența Visa sau MasterCard, inclusiv cele de debit si cele electronice Maestro si Visa Electronic. Sunt acceptate și cardurile virtuale emise de aceste organizații.
4. Daca tranzacția prin card a fost reușită, in urmatorul ecran vi se mulțumește și vi se oferă informațiile relevante pentru comandă.
Acceptăm următoarele cărți de credit/debit: Visa, Visa Electronic, Mastercard/Eurocard, Maestro, inclusiv cardurile virtuale Visa sau MasterCard.


Niciunul dintre serviciile SC Paco Media – Magazin de Publicitate SRL NU pot fi returnate.
In cazul in care, in urma discutiilor dintre reprezentantii SC Paco Media – Magazin de Publicitate SRL si clientul platitor, se stabileste returnarea banilor, acest lucru se face prin stornarea facturii emise si transferul banilor in contul din care au fost acestia virati in termen de 30 zile.


Termenul de livrare (implementare) a serviciilor de marketing online este stipulat in fiecare contract in parte si este cuprins intre 10 si 20 de zile lucratoare 
